Halal Goat

Goat kid can be prepared in a halal manner if certain guidelines and practices are followed to comply with Islamic dietary laws. Halal refers to what is permitted in Islamic law and includes specific requirements for the slaughter and preparation of the meat and age of the animal.

For goat kid to be considered halal, the following key principles must be followed:

Sacrifice by a Muslim: The animal must be slaughtered by a practicing Muslim who is of sound mind and has reached the age of maturity. The person doing the killing must invoke the name of Allah before slaughtering the animal.

Correct Slaughter Technique: Slaughter should be carried out by cutting the throat, trachea and blood vessels in the animal's neck, ensuring the quick and humane death of the animal. This method is often called "zabiha" or "dhabiha".

Blood Drainage: Once the animal has been slaughtered, adequate blood drainage must be performed. Blood is considered non-halal in Islamic dietary laws.

No cross-contamination: All utensils, equipment and surfaces used to process and prepare meat must be clean and free of contamination with non-halal substances.

Halal Certification: In some cases, individuals or companies may apply for halal certification from a recognized Islamic authority or organization to ensure that their products meet halal standards.

It is essential to note that specific requirements and practices for halal meat may vary between different Islamic communities and authorities. Therefore, if you purchase or consume halal goat, it is a good idea to look for a halal certification or consult with knowledgeable people in your local Muslim community to ensure that the meat meets the necessary criteria.

It is important to note that halal meat is consumed by Muslims who follow Islamic dietary laws, but it can also be consumed by people of other religions who choose halal products for reasons of quality, taste, or personal preference.


All our kids come from mountain grazing livestock farms certified and controlled by the Regulatory Council of the Junta de Andalucía and the standards approved by the Sierra de los Filabres Kid Cooperative, which ensure compliance with their own specifications. of certifications.

We distribute our Halal products, for retail trade in Spain and wholesale trade for export to any country in the world, by land, sea or air transport, complying with all the customs specifications of each country and with the corresponding certificates that accredit both the content of our transportation such as quality or product-specific certification.


Daily delivery, Saturdays included, except national and regional holidays


We supply half calves and cutting service and special cuts




Personalized attention, direct orders to our facilities

mayorista carne barcelona

High quality certified meats for retail and wholesale trade for export

Contact Us

Carns Chinchilla S.L
Calle Mecanica, 46 - DESPACHO 3
08755 Barcelona

(+34)) 935415691